Paleis Het Loo

Recordings from the Ponds-webinar

All speakers’s presentations, are now available on YouTube. Follow the links below.

The Ponds and fountain in Historic Gardens-webinar was hosted by Paleis Het Loo on the 16th of January 2024. For those of you who where not able to attend, or want to have a re-run. The five and a half hours-webinar is now split up in 10 sequences – one for each subtopic.

Have a look, and consider if you want to join our free workshop in the same topic, also hosted by incredible Paleis Het Loo, in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands on the 4th and 5th of June 2024.

Videos webinar

Introduction to the Ponds and fountain-webinar

Renske Ek from Paleis Het Loo welcomes all to the webinar, inform about the CSGC-project and the Ponds-topic

Introduction to the Ponds and fountain-webinar

Renske Ek from Paleis Het Loo welcomes all to the webinar, inform about the CSGC-project and the Ponds-topic

"The importance of water and the profession of Fountaineer... the 17th century, by/Lenneke Berkhout, Independent Garden History researcher

"The importance of water and the profession of Fountaineer... the 17th century, by/Lenneke Berkhout, Independent Garden History researcher

‘Pump and Circumstance, Channelling water to Versailles and Het Loo’.

by/Alette Fleischer, AAF Art and History

‘Pump and Circumstance, Channelling water to Versailles and Het Loo’.

by/Alette Fleischer, AAF Art and History

"The role and importance of water in a flat landscape. The country estates near the Vecht...

..and in the Beemster, The Netherlands, by/Willem Zieleman, garden advisor at Paleis Het Loo

"The role and importance of water in a flat landscape. The country estates near the Vecht...

..and in the Beemster, The Netherlands, by/Willem Zieleman, garden advisor at Paleis Het Loo

The first steam engines....

– examples from Hampton Court, Chiswick and Herrenhausen by/David Jacques, independent scholar and a consultant in historic landscapes, parks, and gardens.

The first steam engines....

– examples from Hampton Court, Chiswick and Herrenhausen by/David Jacques, independent scholar and a consultant in historic landscapes, parks, and gardens.

Fountains and ponds driven by steam engines in the 19th century, stories from Potsdam.

by/Katrin Schröder, Garden curator Babelsberg/Rheinsberg

Fountains and ponds driven by steam engines in the 19th century, stories from Potsdam.

by/Katrin Schröder, Garden curator Babelsberg/Rheinsberg

'With a spade and a watering pot' - Capability Brown's holistic approach to estate water management.

by/Steffie Shields, professional garden photographer, writer, and historic landscape consultant

'With a spade and a watering pot' - Capability Brown's holistic approach to estate water management.

by/Steffie Shields, professional garden photographer, writer, and historic landscape consultant

The Dipping Pond of Croome Walled Garden, its history, and the state-of-the-art irrigation system that it now feeds.

by/Chris Cronin, owner of Croome Court and Walled Garden.

The Dipping Pond of Croome Walled Garden, its history, and the state-of-the-art irrigation system that it now feeds.

by/Chris Cronin, owner of Croome Court and Walled Garden.

Dutch Initiative ‘Climate-Resilient Estates’, a system approach, example Estate region Baakse Beek, province Gelderland.

by/Louisa Remesal, program manager, Rijn and IJssel Water Board

Dutch Initiative ‘Climate-Resilient Estates’, a system approach, example Estate region Baakse Beek, province Gelderland.

by/Louisa Remesal, program manager, Rijn and IJssel Water Board

How to clean ponds, Q&A and workshop presentation

How to clean ponds by/Jan Høvo, Q&A with all speakers and presentation of the on-site workshop on Ponds (June 24 at Het Loo) by/Renske Ek

How to clean ponds, Q&A and workshop presentation

How to clean ponds by/Jan Høvo, Q&A with all speakers and presentation of the on-site workshop on Ponds (June 24 at Het Loo) by/Renske Ek


– speaker on the topic Dipping Pond
Willem is the former Head Gardener at Paleis Het Loo National Museum in The Netherlands, now a garden advisor.

Overview project activities


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TopicWebinar dateWorkshop dates
– 25/05/2022
– 10/06/2022
– 31/08/2022
– 12/07/2023
– 06/09/2023
– 29/06/2023
– 11/09/2024
– 28/08/2024
– 05/06/2024

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Recordings from the Ponds-webinar

Other Results


Seven videos are results from the Hedges and topiary cultivation in Historic Garden-workshop.


Follow all the speaker’s interesting presentations during the all day webinar on this large and important topic in Garden Conservation!
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