The two days practical workshop is hosted by Norges grønne fagskole – Vea in May. The starting point is Olav L. Moen’s garden plan for Vea from 1924. Garden archaeology is first on the agenda by opening a 1920 – 1980 flower border searching for edges of the bed and gravel walk. A visit to Oplandske bioenergi, and Bergevika lime quarry and Hovelsrud garden on Helgøya is on the menu in the practical workshop – together with «Preparing lime, – hot mix», «How to make your own biochar» and the making of loam stacks by using 3-4 different recipes and more. Have a look at the program for more information.
The participation in the workshop is free, but everyone must cover their own expenses connected to travelling, board and lodging. Staying at Vea costs about 60€ per night, all included. Travelling expenses during the workshop are maximum 30€.
The workshop is open for you to show your interest by using the apply-button in the Overview project activities and send in your application.