The first three practical workshops in our Craft Skills for Garden Conservation-project are now over, and thanks to the participants and tutors, they where a success.
– Norges grønne fagskole – Vea hosted the Soil management in Historic Gardens
– Gunnebo House and Gardens hosted the Lawn and meadow cultivation in Historic Gardens
– PlantNetwork member Audley End House and Gardens hosted the Trained Fruit in Historic Kitchen Garden.
The video documentation – capturing the best practice within the topics – will be available for all soon. Until then, – we would like to share some images with you!
Trained Fruit-workshop at Audley End House and Gardens
Photo: Anne Stine Solberg

Soil managment-workshop at Vea
Photo: Anne Stine Solberg

Lawn-workshop at Gunnebo
Photo: Tina Westerlund and Johnny Mattsson