Andy grew up on the south coast of England, beginning a life of horticulture through working in a variety of nurseries and gardens. After a period of travelling, Andy settled in Northern NSW Australia, further pursuing a career in horticulture by working on a number of projects and small holdings, sparking a significant interest in the cultivation of fruit. A short time after returning back from Australia, Andy was lucky enough to join The Newt at a very early stage of the gardens re-development. Andy worked as part of the team, planting the gardens and in particular the walled garden. Andy has been lucky enough to work alongside the French gardener, Gilles Guillot, originally of Prieure Notre-Dame d’Orsan who has educated and inspired him in the art of trained fruit.

Andy Lewis
Andy Lewis is the Lead Fruit Grower at The Newt in Somerset.

Andy Lewis
Andy Lewis: Activities
Webinar date: 2022/03/15
Practical Workshop:
From date: 2022/08/30
From date: 2022/08/30
To date: 2022/08/31