SCHLOSS DYCK FOUNDATION – Centre for Garden Art and Landscape – is the legal body of the European Garden Heritage Network (EGHN). This non-profit foundation was established in 1999 by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Regional Association, Rhine District of Neuss, City of Jüchen, Sparkasse Neuss, Count Wolff Metternich family. Its main purpose is the maintenance and development of the historic palace grounds and park of Schloss Dyck, as well as professional exchange and education. Its first success was the reconstruction and extension of the grounds as the centrepiece of the State Garden Show, part of EUROGA 2002+. The Foundation was and is the initiator and leader of projects at regional, national and European level. The Foundation cooperates with numerous institutions, such as the administration of the palaces and gardens in various federal states. It is an important consultant for state ministries, landscape associations, districts and municipalities on questions of safeguarding and developing parks, gardens, cultural landscapes, urban green networks and climate change.
EGHN started in 2003 as an INTERREG 3B NWE project. The NRW state government has given considerable support for the creation of new parks and upgrading of historic parks. EGHN has been key to creating awareness of the wider significance of parks and gardens in urban development. Experience has been exchanged with European experts and measures have been consistently developed further, e.g. within the Interreg IVC “HybridParks” with 16 partners from nine countries and as advisory partner in the ongoing Interreg Europe project “UrbanLinks 2 Landscape”. Finally, the aim was and still is to maintain the quality of parks and gardens and to increase public awareness of their value. Visitor numbers have been boosted by information jointly developed and communicated by EGHN partners across Europe. EGHN is a self-supporting network since the end of EU funding in 2008, and has around 200 partners in 15 European countries, all with relevance for this project.

EGHN’s Activities & Experiences:
• Presentation of all partner gardens on in four languages and publications
• Awarding and organisation of the European Garden Award
• Organisation of professional events (international workshops, symposia, congresses)
• International exchange programme for professionals (garden and management staff)
• Development of project contents and of project partnerships for funding programmes of the EU, the state of NRW, the federal government and other institutions.
• Electronic newsletter for a professional audience
• Production and distribution of print media
• Development and hosting of exhibitions and touring exhibitions
• Press and public relations work.
• Cooperation with other networks (national and international)