Maria Löfgren

Maria has a Master of Science in Horticulture and is a senior lecturer at the Department of Conservation, specialised in Garden Conservation at the University of Gothenburg. Prior to that Maria was working with the living history of gardens as Head Gardener and heritage garden antiquarian in open air museums. She specialises in cultivated plants and vernacular gardens and has written mainly articles on garden history. She is a member of the reference group for perennials at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Programme for diversity of cultivated plants (POM) 

Maria is one of the speakers at the webinar ‘Ornamental Plants in Historic Gardens’ on the topic: The emergence of «tapetgrupper» in the Nordic countries.

Maria Löfgren

Maria Löfgren: Activities


Follow all the speaker’s interesting presentations during the all day webinar on this large and important topic in Garden Conservation!


Webinar date: 2022/11/15
Practical Workshop:
From date: 2023/07/11
To date: 2023/07/12
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